Summer School Seminar of European and Comparative Law (Urbino-Italy)

The 2022 edition of the Séminaire de Droit Comparé et Européen d’Urbino (Italy) will be held next summer from 23 August to 3 September.
The Séminaire is a common venture of Italian and French jurists taking place since 1959. The venue is ideal for developing a dialogue on Comparative, International (both public and private) and European law with jurists from different world countries, since it largely benefits of the relaxing time of the year and of the serenity of the environment: Urbino gave birth to humanism and to the Vitruvian man.
This year’s seminar’s main topics are new technologies and private international law, cryptocurrencies, international commercial mediation and arbitration, European criminal law and food law. Speakers include Prof. Marie-Elodie Ancel, Fabrizio Marrella, Ilaria Pretelli, Robert Bray, Helmut Satzger as well as practitioners -lawyers, mediators, arbitrators and notaries. The Seminar promotes multilingual competencies: presentations are in French, English or Italian, often followed by summarized translations in the other two languages.