IG Workshops at 2023 ESIL Annual Conference in Aix-en-Provence – Programmes

In the context of the 18th ESIL Annual Conference in Aix-en-Provence, 19 ESIL Interest Groups organized their workshops on Wednesday 30 August and Thursday 31 August.
Please find the workshop programmes below.
- IG on International Organizations: Whataboutism, Reciprocity, Double Standards: Towards a Theory of Fairness in International Organizations
- IG on Peace and Security: Fairness and international peace and security
- IG on International Criminal Justice: Fairness and Selectivity in International Criminal Justice.
- IG on International Law of Culture: Is International Law of Culture Fair? Is International Law Fair in Cultural Terms?
- IG on Migration and Refugee Law: (Un)Fairness in International Migration and Refugee Law: Past and Present Realities
- IG on International Courts and Tribunals: New International Courts and Tribunals
- IG on International Human Rights Law: Reparations in International Human Rights Law: A Critical Reflection
- IG on the History of International Law: Historical Perspectives on Fairness in International Law
- IG on International Health Law: Equity in Pandemic Response after Covid-19: Fairness through International Health Law and Beyond
- IG on International Bio Law: Is International Bio Law Fair? Reflections on recent developments and future paths on their principles and their application
- IG on International Environmental Law: Are Foundational, Fundamental, and Evolving International Environmental Law Principles Fair?
- IG on Social Sciences and International Law: The De-legalization of International Law: Social Science Perspectives
- IG on the Law of the Sea: Is the Governance of the Oceans Fair? The New BBNJ Treaty and Other Related International Instruments
- IG on International Economic Law: Pursuing Fairness in Times of Crisis: Reflections on the Future of International Economic Law
- IG on the European and International Rule of Law: Elections and the International Rule of Law
- IG on the EU as a Global Actor: The global reach of the EU’s attempts to regulate Artificial Intelligence (AI): what role for fairness?
- IG on International Business and Human Rights: Fairness in international business and human rights law
- IG on International Law and Technology: Is Fairness in Digital Governance a Trap?
- IG on Feminism and International Law: Diversity as Fairness: Narratives, relationships, and the Path Forward