Conference “Legal Responses to Forced Mass Migration Regional Approaches and Perspectives”

A conference on “Legal Responses to Forced Mass Migration: Regional Approaches and Perspectives” is organized jointly by the Palacký University in Olomouc (Czech Republic) and the University of Johannesburg (the South African Research Chair in International Law).
The conference will take place on 21-22 October 2016 in Olomouc, Czech Republic.
Background and the theme of the conference
Since 2015, the European Union has been facing significant flows of migrants and refugees, which resulted in what many denote a migration crisis. This has raised questions concerning the EU´s asylum and migration policy, as well as relevant EU response mechanisms and their legal underpinnings. Globally however, Europe is just one of the regions of the world facing mass migration. The conference therefore aims at exploring legal responses to forced mass migrations from a European and African perspective, as well as from the perspective of other regions.
Register before 16 October