Interest Group Workshop The EU and International Dispute Settlement

Joint Workshop organised by the ESIL Interest Group on The EU as a Global Actor, the Centre for the Law of EU External Relations (CLEER) and the European University Institute
The EU and International Dispute Settlement
19 and 20 February 2015
European University Institute, Florence, Italy
The EU as a global actor is ever more involved in international treaty-making and in the work of international organisations. Its external action is no longer confined to international trade, or even more broadly economic affairs. Its participation in international law-making now ranges from trade to human rights, from investment protection to environmental matters, immigration, and much more. In tandem with this growing EU role, international dispute settlement is marked by the proliferation ofinternational courts and tribunals. As a consequence, questions arise, inter alia, as to the role played by the EU in this process, the position of the EU and its Member States with regard to participation in IDS, the implications of international rulings within the European legal order, the European Court of Justice as constitutional court in dialogue/competing with other international judicial bodies, and the impact of IDS developments on private parties. This workshop seeks to examine the connections between the EU and international dispute settlement. The discussions and outcome will serve as the basis for an edited volume.
Rather than taking a sectoral approach, this workshop aims at a focus on horizontal / cross-cutting themes, which will allow us to combine insights from different sectors (e.g. trade, investment, human rights, the environment, security, immigration).
Contact persons: Anne Thies and Ramses A. Wessel