Joint ESIL/ASIL Interest Groups on International Courts and Tribunals Meeting. Oslo, 9 Sept 2015

Joint ESIL/ASIL Interest Groups on International Courts and Tribunals Meeting
Oslo, 9 September 2015
The ESIL ICTIG and the ASIL ICTIG are delighted to announce that their first joint meeting will take place in Oslo, September 9, 2015, h. 13:00-15:00, on the occasion of the ESIL Annual Conference.
The session will include both an opportunity to examine works-in-progress, as well as a chance to brainstorm about future joint endeavours between both groups.
Works-in-progress Session – Call for papers, h. 13:00-14.30
The works-in-progress session is dedicated to original and on-going research in the field of international adjudication, broadly understood. Senior and junior scholars (including PhD students) are invited to submit abstracts describing unpublished works on this topic.
Approximately 4 papers will be selected on the basis of the submitted abstracts. Abstracts must not exceed 500 words, and must be submitted to the following email addresses: and In addition to the abstract, each submission should contain:
•The author’s name and affiliation
•A short author’s CV
•Whether the author is an ESIL ICTIG member or an ASIL ICTIG member
The deadline for the submission of the abstracts is June 1, 2015. Authors of selected papers will be notified by June 30, 2015. Authors of selected papers are requested to submit drafts of their works-in-progress by August 15, 2015.
ESIL/ASIL Future Joint Initiatives, h. 14:30-15:00
On the occasion of the meeting, we plan to discuss future joint initiatives between the ESIL and ASIL ICTIGs. If you are unable to attend, we encourage you to send your ideas to and