MPIL – Conference ‘Peace Through Law The Versailles Peace Treaty and dispute settlement after WWI’

The videos of the conference “Peace Through Law: The Versailles Peace Treaty and dispute settlement after WWI” are now available for viewing on the YouTube channel of the Max Plack Institute Luxembourg.
About a century after the Versailles Peace Treaty signed the end of World War I and established an ambitious new framework for international relations, the MPI Luxembourg brought together researchers from universities worldwide to investigate this milestone in history and its impact on the current judicial system. One would be curious to know the many correlations between the League of Nations, the Permanent Court of International Justice and the international tribunals to which the Treaty gave birth, and the way judicial institutions operate nowadays.
Organised under the patronage of the Ambassadors of France and Germany in the Grand Duchy, the conference started with a lecture given by Prof. Nathaniel Berman (Brown University). The first day of the conference was then dedicated to the League of Nations and the economic scene after the Great War, while the second day focused on the settlement of international conflicts.
The discussions will later be addressed in a book meant to be published in 2019, a hundred years after the conclusion of the Versailles Peace Treaty.