Launch of Art and International Justice Initiative

Art and International Justice Initiative (ARTIJ) was launched during the workshop ‘Rethinking Reparations in International Law’ at the Lauterpracht Centre in Cambridge on 16 November 2018.
ARTIJ is a meeting place for academics, legal professionals and artists interested in the questions of international justice. The underlying idea is that art and law can complement each other as they target different areas of the human psyche: while law rests on well-defined categories and usually operates in black-and-white categories, art dwells on ambiguity. The symbiosis of the two captures the complexity of the human condition in its fullness.
The Initiative is a repository for relevant existing scholarship exploring various dimensions of art in the context of international justice. It also offers possibilities of publishing unpublished works through our partner Torkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher or on our blog space. ARTIJ welcomes contributions by artists and features their work on the website. ARTIJ will also host events bringing together artists, scholars and legal practitioners.
Please get involved by sending relevant information on publications, possible collaborations and events. You can find more information on the website and by following ARTIJ on twitter (ArtijInitiative) and facebook (Artij Initiative).