IG Peace and Security | Webinar on “The War in Ukraine, International Law, and Regional Peace and Security”

The ESIL Interest Group on Peace and Security in association with the University of Zürich’s Institute for International and Foreign Constitutional Law and the Hertie School’s Centre for Fundamental Rights is holding a webinar on The War in Ukraine, International Law, and Regional Peace and Security.
When: Wednesday, 25 January 2023 – 17:00 CET (Amsterdam/Paris/Vienna)
Register here: https://tinyurl.com/yecvxdny
There is no end in sight to the war in Ukraine. In addition to disruptions to the lives of millions of Ukrainians, the war has had consequences for countries and people around the world. This webinar will analyse different regional responses to core issues of peace and security, including the prohibition of the use of force and territorial conquest, sanctions and their impact on food/energy security, migration governance, and accountability for international crimes. To what extent is the war in Ukraine a transformational moment for peace and security law? Will it decentralize global governance in these areas, promote new (and old) cross-regional alliances, or resurrect multilateralism?
Magdalena Pacholska, Asser Institute
Benjamin Sa Traoré, Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique
Nathanael Tilahun, Coventry University
Cathryn Costello, Hertie School Berlin
Patryk Labuda, University of Zürich