Free Access to OUP Resources on the ICC and on Human Rights

The Rome Statute at 20
To commemorate 20 years of the Rome Statute, Oxford University Press has put together a collection of articles, headnotes, and chapters from across Oxford Public International Law exploring the historical background, structure, and legacy of the International Criminal Court, along with some of the crimes within the court’s jurisdiction.
The articles and selected book chapters included will be free to access until February 28, 2019. Explore the entire collection HERE.
Don’t forget to take our quiz, to test your knowledge of the ICC!
Human Rights Month Calendar
As part of our Human Rights month celebration, Oxford University Press is pleased to share with you our Human Rights Month Calendar.
Each day, we’ll reveal a new article from the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Comparative Constitutional Law or the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, plus chapters that cover a wide range of human rights topics and issues.
Explore our Human Rights Month Calendar HERE.