Frankfurt Investment Law Workshop 2019 ‘International Investment Law in the Age of Digitalization’

Held on 8 and 9 March 2019, this year’s Frankfurt Investment Law Workshop addresses the challenges investor-state dispute settlement and substantive investment protection face in light of increasing digitalization. Can processing data be a protected investment? Which State is the host State of a digital investment without physical presence? What are the host State’s responsibilities towards investors facing digital threats, such as cyber-attacks? Do current investment protection standards leave enough regulatory space for States to regulate the digital transformation of their economies and societies? Digitalization is also reshaping the settlement of investment disputes. How must proceedings be conducted in order to provide for sufficient cybersecurity? Are online-hearings an effective tool to enhance transparency and efficiency of proceedings? How do tribunals keep up with the challenge of having to analyze the authenticity and legal value of (potentially large amounts) of digital evidence? To which extent can technology help the advocate’s cause in convincing the tribunal?
If you are interested in participating, please contact Sabine Schimpf, Merton Centre for European Integration and International Economic Order, University of Frankfurt by 23 February 2019.