Utrecht Centre for Accountability and Liability Law (UCALL) Annual Conference on “Autonomy, Algorithms and Accountability”

On the 9th and 10th of November 2023 the Utrecht Centre for Accountability and Liability Law (UCALL) will host its annual conference, on the challenges artificial intelligence poses for accountability, liability and law.
The central theme of the 2023 Ucall Annual Conference is how and to what extent such notions should be adapted to autonomously operating algorithms and artificial intelligence. We invite papers from all fields of law where notions of accountability and liability are relevant: international law, European law and domestic law, covering areas such as criminal law, administrative law, contract law, tort law, constitutional law and human rights law, examining the impact of AI, algorithms and machine learning on foundational doctrines of accountability and liability in those respective areas. We welcome thematic papers as well as multidimensional and interdisciplinary contributions.
How to apply
The Call for Papers is now available here. Please send your paper abstract, with a maximum of 500 words, before 20 June to UCALL-Studentassistent@uu.nl. The conference will be hosted in Utrecht, the Netherlands. Any questions regarding the conference or this call for papers can be put to the same e-mail address.
The Utrecht Centre for Accountability and Liability Law (UCALL) is a group of academic researchers within Utrecht University’s School of Law, who have together set out to conduct multidisciplinary research on the boundaries and impossibilities of (own) accountability and liability in the Netherlands, in Europe, and beyond. Read more about UCALL here.