RUDN Law Summer School 2019

RUDN Law Summer school
Law Institute of RUDN University (Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia), Moscow
10 – 21 June 2019
The goal of RUDN Law Summer school is to study today’s changes and challenges in international law. It helps its participants coming from all over the world to list these challenges and examine their reasons and possible solutions they can deploy. The courses will be taught in English by experts in various branches of law, Honored Lawyers of the Russian Federation, state award recipients and successful experts-practitioners.
Law Institute focuses on research areas such as:
- Comparative research of legal cultures;
- Human rights and freedoms;
- Forensic examination and environmental problems: environmental expertise, including economic aspects; remote sensing data application; forensic forest fire investigation, etc.;
- Legal regulation of Blockchain technology (technology which the cryptocurrencies are built on);
- Administrative legal science