Migrants’ Rights at a Crossroads Conference

Migrants’ Rights at a Crossroads: Seizing the Moment(um) of the UN Global Compact on Migration and the SDGs 2030 to forge a new path for the protection of migrants’ rights
University of Leicester, 22 march 2019
With the recent adoption of the landmark UN Global Compact on Migration, and the explicit integration of migrants’ rights into the Sustainable Development Goals 2030, the issue of the protection of migrants’ rights in international human rights law has never been more topical.This conference brings together key figures in international institutions and academia working on the issue of migrants’ rights to assess the challenges and opportunities presented by the SDGs and the UN Global Compact for the realisation of migrants’ human rights in the decades ahead.
The conference will address three intimately inter-related issues:
- The prospects for success in practical terms of the UN Global Compact on Migration, the first intergovernmentally negotiated agreement covering all dimensions of international migration.
- The mutually dependent relationship between achievement of the SDGs 2030 and realisation of the effective protection of migrants’ rights.
- Under-appreciated challenges to, and under-explored avenues for, the protection of migrants’ rights.
For more information, and to register, please go here.