IG Workshops at 2024 ESIL Annual Conference in Vilnius | Programmes

In the context of the 19th ESIL Annual Conference in Vilnius, ESIL Interest Groups will organise their workshops on Wednesday 4 September 2024.
All the workshops will take place at the conference venue, Hotel Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva.
Please find the available workshop programmes below.
09:00-12:00 EEST
- IG on Feminism and International Law: Gender, International Law and New Technologies
- IG on International Organizations: Defining the Role of International Organizations in the Digital Age
- IG on the International Law of Culture: New Technologies at the Service of Cultural Justice
- IG on International Human Rights Law: Technology, Vulnerability and Human Rights Law
- IG on International Courts and Tribunals: Parallelism before International Courts and Tribunals
- IG on the Law of the Sea: New Maritime Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities
12:30-15:30 EEST
- IG on International Law and Technology: When Renewal Repeats: The Dis/Continuities of International Law and Technology
- IG on Energy and International Law: Floating offshore wind: the Law and Policy of an Emerging Technology
- IG on Migration and Refugee Law: Advanced Digital Technologies in Migration Management: A Means to What End?
- IG on International Economic Law: Technology and the Future of International Economic Disputes
- IG on Social Sciences and International Law: Social Sciences and the Compliance Spectrum in International Law: From Non-Compliance to Beyond Compliance
- IGs on International Environmental Law and on the European and International Rule of Law: Technological Change, Artificial Intelligence and Governance: A Focus on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions”
15:45-18:45 EEST
- IG on Peace and Security: Posthumanism, Technology, and Peace and Security
- IG on International Criminal Justice: Technology and the Changing Landscape of International Criminal Justice
- IG on the EU as a Global Actor: New Technologies in Border Management: Regional Approaches
- IG on the History of International Law: Historical Perspectives on Technological Change and International Law
- IG on International Business and Human Rights: New Frontiers of International Business and Human Rights Law in the Face of Technological Innovations
- IGs on International Environmental Law and on the European and International Rule of Law: Technological Change, Artificial Intelligence and Governance: A Focus on Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 16 “Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions”
ONLINE WORKSHOP (no registration required):
11:00-15:00 EEST
IG on International Bio Law: Gene Editing and Technological Advances: What Role for International Law?