Call for Papers – Practising Reflexivity in International Law

The Law Department of the European University Institute (EUI) is delighted to share this call for papers for a two-day Doctoral Forum on International Law which will be held at the Department of Law, Villa Salviati on the 23 & 24 November 2020 with the support of the European Society of International Law.
International lawyers entering the field today are met with challenges such as the rise of populism, growing economic inequality, climate change, and unraveling global cooperation. In addressing these challenges, the situation of international lawyers⎯their race, gender, or position in the field⎯and its influence on how they think and address these challenges has been seldom considered overtly. Building on this reflexive attitude, long productively discussed in the social sciences, this Forum invites contributors to explore practising reflexivity in their own work and in the field of international law.
Abstracts of around 500 words should be sent together with a CV to by 13 September 2020. Selected presenters will be notified via email by the end of September.