Call for Papers | International Conference on “Energy Crisis Against the Background Climate Emergency” (IG International Environmental Law)

This Interest Group on International Environmental Law is organizing an event that will be held in the framework of a larger conference and it is specifically focusing on early-career researchers, young scholars and lawyers, but submissions by more senior scholars are very welcome as well. The conference will take place on 13-15 April 2023 at the Faculty of Law of the Masaryk University, Czech Republic. It will include various activities and social events as part of the larger event. There is a possibility for both online and in-person participation. Here is the link for the general Cofola Conference:
Please refer to this call for papers for the event of the ESIL IG on International Environmental Law. After the deadline, the papers will be accepted on a rolling basis.
If you have specific questions, please do reach out to Martin Svec:, with Paolo Farah in CC: