Call for Papers – Interest Group on International Legal Theory and Philosophy

In the context of ESIL’s annual meeting to take place in Stockholm in September 2021, the Interest Group on International Legal Theory and Philosophy is organising a workshop on ‘Theories and Methodologies in the Contemporary Study of International Lawmaking’. The workshop will be held on 8 September 2021.
The way scholars study international lawmaking has changed significantly over time. The scholarship witnesses a flourishing variety of theoretical approaches and empirical investigations aimed at uncovering new facets of international lawmaking. The IGILTP invites applications for a roundtable to discuss various theories and methodological approaches utilized today to study international lawmaking understood broadly. If you investigated any aspect of international lawmaking and would like to share your experience with regard to theoretical and/or methodological challenges, we would be delighted to receive your proposal. The roundtable will aim to map out and critically reflect on numerous theories and methodologies utilized by scholars in the study of various facets of international lawmaking.
Call for Papers
Deadline for submissions: 25 April 2021