Research Forum Workshop – ESIL IG on Migration and Refugee Law

The ESIL Interest Group on Migration and Refugee Law is organising a workshop on ‘Understanding Solidarity under International and EU Refugee Law: Between a Rock and a Hard Place’ as a side-event to the 2021 ESIL Research Forum organised by the University of Catania. The workshop will take place online on Thursday 15 April 2021.
This year’s theme of the ESIL Research Forum concerns the role of solidarity in the fabric of international law as well as in its different branches of law. The IG MigRefLaw will pick up this topic by focusing on solidarity in the context of migration, notably this concept’s meaning and functions under international and EU refugee law.
Call for Papers (now closed)
To attend this online workshop, please register via the Research Forum registration platform. The deadline for registration is 8 April 2021.