Call for Papers – Custom and International Investment Law Conference Copy

Custom and International Investment Law Conference
The American University Washington College of Law, 23-24 September 2020.
Organizers: Universidad Externado de Colombia; TRICI-Law (University of Groningen); Universität Tübingen; American University Washington College of Law.
The Conference’s subject is “Custom and International Investment Law”. The connection between customary international law (CIL) and International Investment Law has never been more pronounced. Despite this, several areas and topics that highlight this inter-connection remain woefully under-analyzed and consistently overlooked. The present Conference aims at addressing this lacuna. The event will bring together leading academics, international judges/arbitrators and other practitioners, to discuss the most pertinent issues relating to the interaction between CIL and International Investment Law, both from a theoretical and a practical perspective. Within this framework, six main thematic issues will be discussed. Therefore, we invite submissions of proposals engaging with any aspect that falls under the purview of these thematic issues (please see call for papers) as a dimension of the overarching theme of the conference.
Deadline for submission of abstracts: 15 March 2020