Call for Papers | Conference on “From Rule of Law Backsliding to a Sustainable Rule of Law”

On 21 and 22 September 2023, the conference From Rule of Law Backsliding to a Sustainable Rule of Law will take place in Nijmegen, the Netherlands.
The rule of law has been under pressure in recent years. Several EU Member States have taken measures that undermine the independence of the judiciary or the protection of fundamental rights more generally. These developments show that the rule of law requires constant maintenance and attention. This two-day conference is organized on the occasion of the appointment of Petra Bárd as Professor of Sustainable Rule of Law The conference consists of plenary key notes and panel debates with prominent academics as well as parallel sessions with invited speakers/discussants as well as paper presenters.
The central question of the conference is how to respond to rule of law backsliding (in the EU) and how to make the rule of law resilient or sustainable?
• What exactly are the ‘principles of the rule of law’, common to the Member States?
• What is rule of law backsliding and, hence, militant constitutionalism, constitutional self-defense and a resilient or sustainable rule of law?
• How can it be ensured that the values of the rule of law and the foundational principles of public law are preserved?
• What role do EU standards and/or EU institutions play in the sustainable protection of these values?
• What options are on the table for the EU to maintain its integrity and coherence in the current situation, circumventing possible ‘blackmailing tactics’ adopted by backsliding states?
An extended abstract (400-600 words) and a CV should be submitted for review before 15 May 2023 to
Please find further info in the call for papers.