Call for Applications – Horizon2020 CLISEL Training School on “Loss, Damage and Mobility in the context of Climate Change”

Environmental Humanities Training School 2018 on
“Loss, Damage and Mobility in the Context of Climate Change”
12-14 December 2018
Naples, Italy
Co-organized by
KTH (Royal Institute of Technology) Environmental Humanities Laboratory (Sweden)
World Trade Institute (WTI)
University of Bern (Switzerland)
tituto di Studi sulle Società del Mediterraneo (CNR-ISSM) (Italy)
Dipartimento di Architettura, Università Federico II (Italy)
Two issues are increasingly at the center of the justice-oriented scholarly debates on climate change: migration and loss & damage. On the one hand, contemporary migration flows are often used to justify securitized responses to climate change in a world adorned with walls and barbed wires. On the other hand, treating climate change and migration in the ‘future tense’ sheds a smokescreen on losses and damages incurred today.
In order to build capacity and provide spaces for mutual learning on these two cross-cutting themes, KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory, WTI, ISSM, and DIARC are inviting early career researchers (master’s students in their advanced thesis phase, PhD students and postdocs) for an interdisciplinary training school which will include perspectives from the broadly defined fields of environmental humanities, environmental history, political ecology, literary studies, critical legal studies among others. The training school will include both lecture format and group-work sessions (a more detailed description of the school is below).
Travel scholarships are available for the training school.