Call for Abstracts | AJIL Unbound Symposium – International Laws Public and Private

Submissions are invited for a Symposium of AJIL Unbound exploring logics and practices of private international law, public international law, and/or foreign relations law in any combination. Submissions might probe the private sides of public international law, the public investments of private international law, the domesticity of foreign relations law, conflicts or tensions among these, and so on. The editors of this Symposium are interested in work that offers new takes on the relation of public and private international law or the interaction of international law to national or domestic law.
In addition to showcasing exciting new work in the above-mentioned vein, this Symposium will honor the life and work of Karen Knop, who chaired the inaugural editorial committee of AJIL Unbound and played a vital role in giving shape to this publication, and in its success. Those submitting abstracts are invited to consider engaging with Karen Knop’s rich archive of published work in the course of developing their essays.
Those interested in contributing to this Symposium are invited to submit an abstract of up to 300 words to by 6 June 2023 plus a covering email indicating their name, institutional affiliation (if any), and phone and email contact information, as well as a brief statement explaining their interest in the Symposium topic. We are especially interested in submissions from members of groups traditionally underrepresented in the international legal academy and profession, including scholars or practitioners based in the Global South.
Those applicants selected, on the basis of these abstracts, to submit a full essay will be advised by 15 June 2023 and will be expected to submit a full draft of their essay (up to 3,000 words in length including footnotes) by 31 August 2023 prepared in accordance with AJIL Unbound’s Instructions for Contributors. We expect to invite submission of 6 or 7 full draft essays. These submissions will be subject to peer review in accordance with AJIL Unbound’s standard editorial processes and the invitation to submit a full draft essay does not guarantee publication. It is anticipated that essays included in the Symposium will be published in early 2024.
Any questions concerning this Symposium may be directed to,, or
Symposium Editors: Annelise Riles, Fleur Johns, Karen Engle