Nouveau volume de la ESIL Series – “Secondary Rules of Primary Importance in International Law”

A new volume of the ESIL Series, titled “Secondary Rules of Primary Importance in International Law” was published in November 2022.
The editors are Gábor Kajtár, Basak Çali, and Marko Milanovic, and the book is based on contributions to an ESIL-ELTE Law School joint workshop held in Budapest in 2019.
This publication makes three important contributions to the study of secondary rules. First, it offers a comprehensive, expert doctrinal analysis of how standard of review, causation, evidentiary rules, and attribution operate in the case law of international courts or tribunals in fields spanning human rights, trade, investment, and humanitarian law. Second, it comparatively evaluates the divergent layers of meanings and normative expectations attached to secondary rules in international law scholarship as well as in the judicial practice of international courts and tribunals. Finally, the book investigates the role that secondary rules play in the development of the primary rules in international law and for the legitimacy of the decisions of international courts and tribunals.
Please find further details on the Oxford University Press website.