Baltic Yearbook of International Law Seminar – “Russia’s War in Ukraine and the Baltic States”

Since the first volume of the Baltic Yearbook of International Law published in 2001, many articles on the prohibition of use of force, grave violations of human rights and humanitarian law and the analysis of the aggression of the Soviet Union against the Baltic States and the consequences thereof have appeared in the Yearbook. War that the Russian Federation waged against the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine has notable parallels with the events in the Baltic States of 1939/1940.
With the purpose of the examination of these parallels, the Baltic Yearbook invites you to take part in the on-line seminar: “Russia’s War in Ukraine and the Baltic States” on 19 September 2022 from 10:00–13:00 (EEST). The participants of the seminar are asked to address, among others, the question whether and in what way international law in 2022 is more consolidated to face such a grave violation of international law as carried out by the Russian Federation.
Please register for the event here.
Further details and the programme are available here