AthensPIL Discussion Group with Martins Paparinskis and Pierre d’Argent

Τhe third AthensPIL Discussion Group online event will take place next Wednesday, 23 February (18.30 EET).
Dr. Martins Paparinskis (University College London) will deliver a presentation on “Crippling Compensation after the Armed Activities on the Territory of the Congo Case” and ESIL President Prof. Pierre d’Argent (University of Louvain), ESIL Presid will act as discussant.
Moderator: Professor Photini Pazartzis
Convenors: Dr. Nikolaos Voulgaris, Dr. Efthimios Papastavridis
Research Coordinator: Ms. Matina Papadaki
Register and book your ticket here
Or, you can livestream the event on the Athens PIL Youtube page here or via Facebook here.