ASIL/ESIL IGs on International Courts and Tribunals Joint Webinar on “Developments in Interstate Dispute Settlement before Regional Human Rights Courts”

The Interest Groups on International Courts and Tribunals of the American Society of International Law (ASIL) and the European Society of International Law (ESIL) are organizing a joint webinar on “Developments in Interstate Dispute Settlement before Regional Human Rights Courts”.
This joint ASIL/ESIL webinar will examine the phenomenon of interstate dispute settlement before regional human rights courts, including whether more states could begin turning to such courts to adjudicate interstate claims. Speakers will address topics including the rise in interstate cases arising out of armed conflict, the challenges posed by parallel proceedings or multi-forum litigation, and issues of procedure and fact-finding. When it comes to adjudicating international disputes, what do the regional human rights courts offer that other dispute settlement bodies do not?
• Michael A. Becker, Assistant Professor of International Human Rights Law, Trinity College Dublin; Co-convener, ESIL Interest Group on International Courts and Tribunals
• Cecily Rose, Associate Professor, Leiden University; Co-convener, ESIL Interest Group on International Courts and Tribunals
• Jorge Contesse, Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School
• Philip Leach, Professor of Human Rights Law, Middlesex University
• Isabella Risini, Senior Research Associate, Ruhr-University Bochum
• Manisuli Ssenyonjo, Professor of International Law and Human Rights, Brunel Law School
The event will take place online on Wednesday 13 December, 16:00-17:00 CET (10:00-11:00 EST).
Registration for this webinar is free and open to the public at this link.
Further details are available in the programme.