European Papers – A Journal on Law and Integration

European Papers – A Journal on Law and Integration
European Papers is pleased to announce that its first issue in the 2016 Volume is now available online.
The new issue opens with an Editorial on Disintegration through Law. Disintegration, with regard to European studies, is also the dominant motive of the Overview of Christian Joerges.
In the section Articles the reader will find enlightening reflections on the ethos of the European Union, by Jan Klabbers; on the legitimacy of European lawmaking, by Carol Harlow; on the protection of human rights in the CFSP, by Christophe Hillion; and on the consequences of secessions from EU Member States, by Dimitry Kochenov and Martijn van den Brink.
In the On the Agenda section, devoted to the refugee crisis, James Hathaway advocates the need for a new ‘global approach’, and Bruno Nascimbene focuses on the crisis of the Dublin system and on its perspectives for reform.
The Insights address general issues of European integration from the particular angles offered by recent legislative or judicial practice. Paula García Andrade focuses on the balance of competences with regard to the conclusion of non-binding international agreements; Clemens Kaupa offers an analysis on the relations between public procurement law and objectives of social policy; and Alberto Miglio deals with differentiated integration, with particular regard to the limited participation of opting out States.