ESIL-sponsored workshop ”The 1917 Russian Revolution and its impact on law international and comparative perspectives”

ESIL-sponsored workshop: ”The 1917 Russian Revolution and its impact on law: international and comparative perspectives”.
The workshop, organized and hosted by St Petersburg State University with the support of the European Society of International Law and Threefold Legal Advisors LLC, will take place on 21 October 2017 at St Petersburg State University.
The impact and legacy of the 1917 Russian Revolution is of crucial significance across the world. For Russia and countries of the former socialist bloc, the revolution led to the foundation of a completely new legal tradition which influences are still felt today. For the rest of the world, the Russian Revolution led to emergence of new international legal norms, transformation of the whole international law system and its eventual democratization, and caused some of the most significant changes in domestic law and politics of various countries in the first half of the XX century.
Working language of the workshop: English.
Engaged listeners can register by sending an e-mail to before 7 October 2017.