ESIL IG on International Business and Human Rights joint seminar

ESIL IG on International Business and Human Rights joint seminar: Call for Papers
The ESIL Interest Group on Business and Human Rights and the Transnational Law Institute King’s College will hold a joint seminar on ‘Finance and Human Rights: Crisis of Accountability and Legitimacy’.
Date: 21 April 2017
Venue: Strand Campus, King’s College London
The economic turmoil of the past years has drawn attention to the role of financial institutions play vis-à-vis human rights. This seminar seeks to go beyond the ubiquitous tripartite “protect, respect, remedy” business & human rights frame; special emphasis will be placed on the generation of accountability and legitimacy within private law-making processes in financial markets. We will discuss the processes and actors of developing self-regulatory norms.
This workshop provides a platform for experienced and early-stage academics as well as PhD and research students to share, discuss, and develop their work on critical issues. The objective is to optimise research impact of our participants by engaging the different communities of practice in law, political science, management studies, or accounting in this interdisciplinary field of business and human rights.
Submissions of Abstracts/ Papers
We welcome submissions of abstracts from diverse disciplines, including finance, accounting, business, sociology, anthropology, political science, and law.
Please send all submissions (in word or PDF format, not exceeding 800 words), including a CV and via e-mail to
Deadline for abstracts: 28 February 2017
Call for Papers