ESIL IG on International Bio Law – Call for Papers ‘International Bio Law and Universality The Role of International Organizations and International Courts in this Field’

ESIL IG on International Bio Law Workshop
The ESIL Interest Group on Bio Law will hold a pre-conference workshop on “International Bio Law and Universality: The Role of International Organizations and International Courts in this Field”
Date: 13 September 2018 (in the morning)
Venue: University of Manchester, United Kingdom
This international workshop is focused on the relationship between International Bio Law and Universalization. ESIL-SEDI members working on Bio Law and related areas will be welcome to take part in this initiative. This workshop has two objectives: first of all, to show how International Organizations and/or international courts have permitted the evolution and progress of this field of International Law; secondly, this event will try to contribute to build bridges between some ESIL-SEDI Interest Groups dealing with common fields of interest. With this aim, we encourage you to participate in this International Workshop.
Submissions of Abstracts/ Papers
Please send all submissions (in word or PDF format, not exceeding 400 words), including a CV and via e-mail to
Deadline for abstracts: 30 April 2018