ESIL-AEPDIRI Joint Workshop for Young Researchers – International Law and International Relations as a Response to the Challenges of the New Globalization

As part of the XXX Conference of the Spanish Association of Professors of International Law and International Relations, a Doctoral Workshop for European, African, and Latin American young Researchers will be held on the afternoon before the Conference’s opening, on Wednesday 20 September 2023 at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. The joint participation of doctoral students from the three regions will allow us to enhance future research in the discipline in this global era.
The workshop is aimed at a maximum of 25 individuals enrolled in a doctoral program and scheduled to defend their thesis in 2024 or 2025, in any of the knowledge areas specific to the Association. Young doctoral researchers from Spanish, African, and Latin American Universities will be selected. Preference will be given to proposals that analyze topics related to the challenges of the new globalization.
The overall objective of the workshop is not to judge the methodology or content of ongoing work, but rather to identify weak points and suggest new ideas that may lead to an improved final outcome for the thesis. At the same time, participants will have the opportunity to share their research with their peers, make a first contact with academic scientific formats, and receive feedback from internationalists whose research careers are established. This workshop will also provide the opportunity to meet other researchers dedicated to the same field, strengthening scientific ties and sharing ideas and experiences.
Depending on the number of proposals accepted, the organization reserves the right to hold the workshop in three or four parallel sessions.
Please find further information in the Call for Proposals (closed).