EPPO Conference “State of Play and Perspectives” High Level Event on Legal Questions and Challenges for the Establishment of a European Public Prosecutor’s Office

The establishment of a European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) is drawing nearer. Ever since the European Commission issued its legislative proposal, six consecutive EU Council Presidencies have conducted negotiations on this flagship project in the policy area of Freedom, Security and Justice.
The time is ripe to examine the legislative drafts agreed between EU Member States, as compared to the Commission proposal and to discuss the implications of EPPO for the functioning of the EU and its relevant agencies, for the national prosecuting authorities as well as for suspects and victims.
The T.M.C. Asser Instituut and the Law Faculty of Leiden University organise a two-day symposium on EPPO. The main objectives of this event are:
- To take stock of the outcome of three years of negotiations on the legislative proposal;
- To provide an in-depth scrutiny of the legal texts; and
- To make an assessment of the available draft in terms of legal quality and Better Regulation.
The event will start off with a panel discussion between the main negotiating partners represented by the current and preceding presidencies of the concerned EU Council Working Group, the European Parliament and the Commission. In subsequent sessions possible assessment criteria will be set out and distinctive substantive, procedural and institutional issues will be examined and discussed. On the basis of the discussions, the event will be concluded with an assessment of EPPO’s raison d’être and an interview of major stakeholders in the process.
Date & Time: Thursday 7 July (12:30–19:00) and Friday 8 July (09:00–17:30), 2016
Venue: T.M.C. Asser Instituut, The Hague, The Netherlands
Provisional programme