Conference ”The Metamorphosis of the European Economic Constitution”

The Research Unit in Law and the Robert Schuman Institute of the University of Luxembourg will hold a conference on:
”The Metamorphosis of the European Economic Constitution”
When: 21-22 September 2017
Where: Weicker Building, University of Luxembourg, Room B001
With this Conference, the Organizers aim to gather together some of the most renowned experts in European Public and Economic Law and to discuss, over two days, about the present challenges imposed to the actual structure of the EU economic governance as well as the possible future developments.
The Conference will be the occasion to develop a forum for reflection about the shaping and the transformation of a concept, the one of the European economic constitution, which has, over the years, strongly influenced the definition of the European economic and monetary policy, being praised with success as well as object of strong critiques.
Participation is free but registration at is mandatory.