Conference ‘Global Public Goods and Global Commons and Democracy An Interdisciplinary Perspective’

The Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies is organising a conference on ‘Global Public Goods and Global Commons and Democracy: An Interdisciplinary Perspective’, to be held on 22-23 February 2016. This conference is an ESIL-sponsored event.
The conference will bring new and refreshing insights to a larger interdisciplinary research programme, “Global Governance and Democratic Government”, which the Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies conducts as part of its KU Leuven Centre of Excellence status.
We welcome, alongside a carefully selected cast of paper presenters, two eminent keynote speakers. Prof. Dr. Inge Kaul will open the conference with a keynote lecture on the relevance of the concept of global public goods. At the beginning of the second day, Prof. Dr. Pierre Dardot will deliver a keynote lecture on the motives of his preference for the term global commons over the term global public good. The conference will culminate in a dialogue between Prof. Dr. Inge Kaul and Prof. Dr. Pierre Dardot and will be concluded with critical summaries by the rapporteurs.
Conference venue: Leuven Institute for Ireland in Europe, Janseniusstraat 1, Leuven.