Conference ‘Access to Justice for Victims of Corporate-Related Human Rights Violations. Extraterritorial Jurisdiction in Civil Litigation’

This conference is jointly organized by Scuola Superiore della Magistratura and Human Rights International Corner, in collaboration with the University of Milan – Jean Monnet Course in EU Law on Business and Human Rights.
This event could be considered as the first initiative following the provisions of the draft Italian National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (currently in public consultation) regarding the needed support to ‘training courses for judges and lawyers on the legal implications of business and human rights’.
Date: 3 November 2016, 2.30-6.00 pm
Venue: Aula Magna Alessandrini-Galli, Court of Milan
The programme is available.
Please check the invitation.
Registration by 24 October 2016: Marta Bordignon