Colloquium “Investment Arbitration in Latin America Shaping the Future”

The International Court of Arbitration, Sciences Po Ecole de droit, Queen Mary University of London and SPAS jointly organize a Colloquium entitled:
“Investment Arbitration in Latin America: Shaping the Future”
It will take place at La Maison de L’Amérique Latine in Paris on
5 December 2016 from 14.00 to 17.00
This event follows the recent publication of the book: International Investment Law in Latin America – Problems and Prospects, Brill, 2016
Latin America has always had an ambivalent relationship with international investment law and, more recently, it has been the home of harsh and resolute criticisms, questioning the ultimate legitimacy of the regime.
By bringing together distinguished scholars of this legal field, the volume analyses ongoing trends and draws lessons from the Continent’s past experiences while identifying possible solutions to the important challenges it faces.
Registration is required: