Call for Papers The Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Vol II (2018)

The editors of the Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (AYBHRHL) and Brill-Nijhoff Publishers invite submissions for Volume II of the Yearbook.
General Articles
The Yearbook is especially interested in general submissions on a wide variety of human rights and humanitarian issues including those focusing on contemporary socio-economic, legal and political developments impacting upon human rights and humanitarian law within Asia and globally. The Yearbook would also welcome submissions based on theoretical perspectives on human rights and humanitarian law with specific relevance to Asia.
Submissions should be between 8,000-10,000 words and should be referenced in the OSCOLA format.
State Practice and Recent Developments
The Yearbook also features a section on State Practices and Recent Developments with submissions being accepted on a wide range of recent developments within Asia and in the field of human rights and humanitarian law.
Submissions should be between 3,000-5,000 words and should be referenced in the OSCOLA format.
Book Reviews and Extended Review Articles
Each volume aims to review books on human rights and humanitarian law, relevant to the Asian region on an individual and comparative basis.
Instructions for Submission
General Articles: Professor Javaid Rehman, or Dr Meryl Dickinson,
State Practice and Recent Developments: Dr Ayesha Shahid, (
Book Reviews and Extended Review Articles: Dr Annapurna Waughray,
Deadline for submission of full papers: 30 September 2017.