Call for Papers Irish Journal of European Law

The Irish Society for European Law has been published since 1992, and is a leading international journal on European law edited by Irish scholars and practitioners.
Previous volumes are now available on the Society’s website.The Journal – which is blind peer-reviewed – is now issuing a call for original papers for its 2017 volume.
Long articles (indicative length 8,000 – 12,000 words) and shorter articles (3,000-4,000 words), and analyses of any length of recent developments are invited.
The theme for the 2017 volume will be ‘Brexit.’ Whilst papers may be general in nature, there is particular interest in those submissions which make some reference to the Irish dimension of Brexit.
In general, the Journal welcomes submissions on all areas of European law. In addition to the more traditional form of academic article, comment and opinion pieces on European-Irish affairs with a legal dimension, are also welcomed.
Submissions are to be sent to ijel.submissions@gmail by Friday 28th of July 2017 in WORD format, size 12 font, single-spaced.