Call for Papers EU Law, Trade Agreements, and Dispute Resolution Mechanisms Contemporary Challenges

III LAwTTIP Joint Conference: EU Law, Trade Agreements, and Dispute Resolution Mechanisms: Contemporary Challenges
King’s College, London
21-22 March 2019
The conference will focus on two themes: it will examine the role of the European Court of Justice in EU external relations, and also explore, on a comparative basis, dispute resolution systems in international trade law, including multilateral and bilateral treaties. The underlying theme of the conference will be dialogue among international and regional institutions as a tool to overcome fragmentation and implement the rule of law in the international economic relations of the EU. More specifically, the conference aims at contextualising the judicial system of the EU in the regime of protection of the rule of law and individual rights created by international trade and investment agreements. The aim is to stimulate a debate between speakers and participants on how regional/local systems of protection of rights – such as the EU – do not exist in vacuum but are necessarily part of an international network of protection.
Abstracts (3,000 words) should be sent to and by 10 February 2019.