Call for Papers ESIL Interest Group on International Environmental Law

The ESIL Interest Group on International Environmental Law, the Faculty of Law of the University of Macau and gLAWcal – Global Law Initiatives for Sustainable Development (United Kingdom) and the ASIL IG on Intellectual Property Law are organizing an International Conference to be held at University of Macau (ROOM G-003) on 29-30 June 2017.
Consumer Policy in a Comparative Perspective: New Challenges in Chinese, European, and International Law
The organizing committee welcomes proposals on any topic relating to the general theme. The scope of the conference is interdisciplinary and submissions from backgrounds other than Law are especially welcome.
Subject areas may include, but are not limited to, the following:
a) International, European, and Chinese law and consumer protection
b) UN Guidelines for Consumer Protection and how those Guidelines have influenced national legislations in different parts of the world, namely China
c) Contemporary Issues of consumer protection in China, Europe, and worldwide
d) How consumer policy in China has aligned with international and European standards
e) Asian perspective on consumer protection and consumer rights
f) Access to water and food
g) Product safety
h) Services of general economic interest
i) Environmental protection
j) E-commerce
k) Trade, investment, and consumer protection
l) Resolution of consumer disputes
Deadline for submission: 25 May 2017