Call for Papers – ESIL IGs on International Organisations & International Health Law

In the context of ESIL’s annual meeting to take place in Stockholm in September 2021, the Interest Groups on International Organisations and International Health Law are organising a joint workshop on ‘International Organizations’ Action in Times of COVID-19: Law-Making by Expertise and Soft Law’. The workshop will be held on 8 September 2021.
International organisations have been at the heart of perceived changes in the nature and practices of contemporary international law-making. It has been well-known for some time that the acts and resolutions of UN organs, agencies and other international institutions have impacted contemporary law-making, whether in terms of treaty negotiation or customary norm formation. Moreover, international lawyers are increasingly concerned that the normative impacts of the “global governance” activities of international institutions, whether formal and informal, intergovernmental, non-state or mixed/public-private, are “de-centering” the traditional sources of international law in favour of more flexible, “softer” and more fluid regulatory norms.
Call for Papers
Deadline for submissions: 23 April 2021