Call for Papers – ESIL IG on International Courts and Tribunals

In the context of ESIL’s annual meeting to take place in Stockholm in September 2020, the Interest Group on International Courts and Tribunals will organize a seminar focusing on biases and international adjudication. Against this background, the seminar will explore the implications of (broadly defined) biases in the practices of, and analysis about, international courts and tribunals.
The Interest Group welcomes (but not limits) papers addressing the following topics, through the analysis of specific examples:
• Implicit social cognition in the practices of specific international courts and tribunals
• Conflicts of interest in the practices of specific international courts/tribunals
• Statistical biases in the practices of specific international courts/tribunals
• Connection between gender and the practices of specific courts/tribunals
• Methodological problems in the study of biases in international courts/tribunals
• Biases in international scholarship concerning international courts and tribunals
The members of the Interest Group are invited to submit abstracts of up to 500 words. Deadline for submitting abstracts: 15 April 2020. Abstracts should be sent to