Call for Papers ESIL IG International HR Law – ‘Human Rights Fundamental Values in International Law?’

Call for Papers: ESIL IG International HR Law – ‘Human Rights: Fundamental Values in International Law?’
On the occasion of the 13th ESIL Conference in Naples, the ESIL Interest Group on International Human Rights Law invites submissions for a half day workshop on
‘Human Rights: Fundamental Values in International Law?’
Date: 6 September 2017 – Venue: Naples
The 2017 Naples Conference seeks to explore how international law responds to global public goods, global commons and fundamental values.
In line with our approach to each annual conference, the ESIL Interest Group on International Human Rights Law will examine the theme of the annual conference from a human rights perspective.
Application Process
We invite submissions of abstracts of no more than 500 words. Selection will be based on how closely tied the abstract is to the theme of the workshop; scholarly merit; and with the view to producing an engaging workshop. All submissions are expected to be submitted as draft papers ahead of the workshop.
Each submission should include the following in the same document:
(a) short bio containing the author’s name, institutional affiliation, contact information and e-mail address;
(b) an abstract of no more than 500 words.
Applications should be submitted by 20 April 2017 to
All applicants will be notified of the outcome of the selection process by 20 May 2017.
Accepted full papers are due by 20 August 2017.
Call for Papers