Conference – “The Good, the Bad and the Regulated. In Search of a Common Denominator for AI in Business and Society”

KU Leuven Centre for IT & IP Law has the pleasure to announce the second edition of its Leuven AI Law & Ethics Conference (LAILEC) – #LAILEC2020. The event will take place on 18 February 2020 in Leuven.
The conference aims to gather researchers from multiple disciplines, incl. law, philosophy, political and social sciences, computer sciences to discuss the contemporary legal, ethical, regulatory and governance challenges of artificial intelligence. Following the success of the first edition of LAILEC, we are pleased to announce we’re also organising a parallel track with paper presentations from both aspiring and established scholars.
The deadline for submission of extended abstracts has now expired.
For more information and questions or concerns regarding the conference, please consult the website or send a message to: