Call for Papers | Beyond State Consent to International Jurisdiction – From Courts to Law

The State Consent to International Jurisdiction (SCIJ) project, funded by the Research Council of Norway and conducted at PluriCourts (University of Oslo) is issuing a Call for Abstracts for its closing conference entitled “Beyond State Consent to International Jurisdiction“. This conference has been tentatively scheduled for 29-30 September and will be held entirely online.
Topics will include:
– consent to jurisdiction as compared to applicable law
– interpretation methods
– unique aspects of specific courts or legal systems that may facilitate or impede consent
– redesigning consent in the context of international law reform
The Organising Committee (consisting of Prof. dr. Freya Baetens, Dr Emma Brandon and Dr Nicola Strain) welcomes abstracts from academics as well as practitioners, including staff of adjudicatory institutions and international organisations. Papers should present innovative ideas, be unpublished at the moment of presentation, and be at an advanced stage of completion.
The deadline for submission of abstracts is 25 August 2022.
For more information and submission of abstracts and bios, please visit this page.