Call for Papers | 15th Annual Conference of the Japan Chapter of the Asian Society of International Law

The Call for Papers for the 15th Annual Conference of the Japan Chapter of the Asian Society of International Law is now available.
The conference theme is: Invoking Global Standards: How International Law Works in Japan and in other Asian countries?. The event will take place on 30 June 2024 at Chuo University, Myogadani Campus, Tokyo.
The 2024 Annual Conference will address research findings from diverse fields of international law, spanning historical to current issues, encompassing both, private and public international law, as well as substantive law and the dynamics of law, in the hope of cross-sectoral dialogue and collaboration.
The deadline for submissions is 29 February 2024. Further details are available in the call for papers.
Any inquiries regarding the conference should be emailed to the following address: