Call for Abstracts | DILEMA 2023 Conference

On 12–13 October 2023, the DILEMA Project is organising a conference around the complex and interdisciplinary issues raised by military applications of artificial intelligence (AI). The DILEMA conference will offer a broad platform to engage in an interdisciplinary dialogue around both theoretical and practical questions related to military AI, and feature some of the latest research insights from the fields of law, ethics, computer science, and other disciplines.
The conference will include keynote presentations by invited speakers, as well as panel presentations based on an open call for abstracts. The format of the conference will be geared towards fostering dialogue, exchanges, and debates amongst and across disciplines, so as to build some common ground, move the debate forward, and develop new ideas.
Submissions of abstracts (maximum 600 words) on topics related to the theme of the conference from varied disciplines and methodological approaches are welcome. The deadline for submissions is 31 May 2023, 23:59 CEST. You can find more information and the abstract submission form here.