Book based on 2013 ESIL Research Forum ‘International Law as a Profession’

The book based on the 2013 ESIL Research Forum: ”International Law as a Profession” has now been published.
Cambridge University Press, April 2017
Edited by:Jean d’Aspremont, University of Manchester, Tarcisio Gazzini, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, André Nollkaemper, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Wouter Werner, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam
Book description:
International law is not merely a set of rules or processes, but is a professional activity practised by a diversity of figures, including scholars, judges, counsel, teachers, legal advisers and activists. Individuals may, in different contexts, play more than one of these roles, and the interactions between them are illuminating of the nature of international law itself. This collection of innovative, multidisciplinary and self-reflective essays reveals a bilateral process whereby, on the one hand, the professionalisation of international law informs discourses about the law, and, on the other hand, discourses about the law inform the professionalisation of the discipline. Intended to promote a dialogue between practice and scholarship, this book is a must-read for all those engaged in the profession of international law.
Most of the chapters assembled in this volume originate in new studies presented by their author(s) at the 5th Research Forum of the European Society of International Law that took place in Amsterdam on 23 – 25 May 2013 under the auspices of the Amsterdam Center for International Law (ACIL) of the University of Amsterdam (UvA) and the Centre for the Politics of Transnational Law of the VU University Amsterdam (VU). These chapters are supplemented by a few additional pieces of work that have been specifically commissioned for this volume as well as others that constitute re-publications of seminal articles previously published elsewhere. The editors wish to extent their gratitude to Abel Ranzijn and Anita Veenstra for their assistance in the preparation of this volume.