ASSER-ICJ Lecture “The International Court of Justice at 70 Impact and Functions”

ASSER-ICJ Series “The International Court of Justice at 70: Impact and Functions”
15 September 2016
This new event in the ASSER-ICJ Series will focus on the impact and functions of the ICJ, which celebrated its 70th Anniversary in April 2016, from a theoretical perspective.
- Jean d’Aspremont Professor of Public International Law, University of Manchester, and Professor of International Legal Theory, University of Amsterdam, will speak on the impact of the ICJ on theory and doctrine: “If the International Court of Justice says so, it must be true”
- Ingo Venzke, Associate Professor of International Law, University of Amsterdam, and Executive Director of the Amsterdam Center for International Law, will concentrate on the functions of the ICJ: “What is the ICJ? An instrument, an organ, or an actor?”
- Dame Rosalyn Higgins, who is not only an expert in international legal theory, but also has many years of experience in the practice of the International Court of Justice, as Judge and President, will comment on these two presentations
Time: 17.00 – 19.00 hrs, followed by a reception
Venue: T.M.C. Asser Instituut, The Hague, The Netherlands
Registration: Registration is required. Please register at: