AsianSIL 6th Biennial Conference

AsianSIL 6th Biennial Conference, Seoul, August 2017: early bird registration until 30 June
Early-bird registration is now open for the 6th Biennial Conference of the Asian Society of International Law to be held in Seoul on Friday 25 – Saturday 26 August 2017.
The conference theme is “Asia and International Law in Times of Uncertainty”.
The conference, hosted by the Korea Chapter of the Asian Society of International Law together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea, will be held in the Lotte Hotel, located in the city centre of Seoul.
The program for the 6th Biennial Conference of the Asian Society of International Law is now available here.
Conference highlights include:
- 2 plenary sessions featuring invited speakers
- 28 parallel sessions with more than 140 presentations
- 2 morning special sessions
- Junior scholar’s workshop with more than 60 participants on Thursday 24 August
- Opening session with Keynote Speech by Former Secretary-General of the United Nations, H.E. Mr. BAN Ki-moon
- Book exhibitions by AsianSIL institutional members and other exhibitors
- The award of the Paik Choong-Hyun Prize and the AsianSIL Young Scholar Prize
Please check the conference website regularly for further updates. Register now and take advantage of the early-bird registration fees.